Balance Hormones-Lose Weight

When your hormones are out of sync, it can lead to unwanted weight gain, as hormones play a pivotal role in regulating metabolism, appetite, and fat storage.

How To Lose Weight With Lipedema – A Disease Causing Disfiguring Fat Deposits
Shalin Dominique Shalin Dominique

How To Lose Weight With Lipedema – A Disease Causing Disfiguring Fat Deposits

Understand the hidden struggles of Lipedema, a condition impacting millions globally. Explore the interconnected web involving the gut, estrogen, liver, inflammation, lymphatic system, and extracellular matrix, contributing to the relentless progression of Lipedema. But there is hope for significant improvement through natural, non-surgical interventions, providing relief and a path towards shedding that stubborn fat. Take control of your Lipedema journey and transform your life.

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Is a Fatty Liver Causing Your Big Belly?
Shalin Dominique Shalin Dominique

Is a Fatty Liver Causing Your Big Belly?

Get ready to explore the hidden world of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), a prevalent chronic liver condition affecting a whopping 25% of the global population. Within the United States alone, over 100 million people grapple with this health concern, making it a pressing issue that demands your attention!

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Weight Woes? Could your Thyroid be the Reason You’re Gaining Pounds?
Shalin Dominique Shalin Dominique

Weight Woes? Could your Thyroid be the Reason You’re Gaining Pounds?

Could Thyroid Problems Be the Hidden Culprit Behind Your Unexplained Weight Gain and Fatigue? Dive Deep into the Complex Relationship Between Thyroid Health and Body Weight, and Discover Natural Solutions to Regain Vitality and Control Your Weight. Backed by Real-Life Success Stories from Individuals Like You. Don't Let Your Thyroid Hold You Back - Take Charge of Your Weight Loss Today!

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Burn Fat by Reversing Insulin Resistance
Shalin Dominique Shalin Dominique

Burn Fat by Reversing Insulin Resistance

The single biggest hormonal disorder in today’s world is insulin resistance – the main underlying cause of obesity. Insulin Resistance is on the rise: One in two Americans has pre-diabetes and 75% are overweight. It is widely known that excess insulin is a result of the consumption of hyper-processed foods made of sugar and flour. But there is more to the picture. The good news is – insulin resistance is reversible.

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How Estrogen Dominance Leads To Belly Fat And Weight Gain
Shalin Dominique Shalin Dominique

How Estrogen Dominance Leads To Belly Fat And Weight Gain

Do you suffer from weight gain (especially around the abdomen), weight loss resistance, water retention, extreme PMS, and moodiness? Estrogen dominance might be at play! Learn about estrogen dominance symptoms, root causes, and most importantly, strategies to get into remission!

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RECIPE: Shalin’s Seed Cycling Super Balls
Shalin Dominique Shalin Dominique

RECIPE: Shalin’s Seed Cycling Super Balls

When our hormones are out of whack, weight gain is a major side effect besides hot flashes, night sweats, PMS, heavy / irregular / diminished menstruation, acne, mood swings, thinning hair, brittle nails, lack of libido, fatigue or infertility. True to the motto "Let food be thy medicine" - Seed cycling is a very gentle way to balance hormones throughout the two phases of the menstrual cycle by regulating the hormone estrogen in the first half of your menstrual cycle and the hormone progesterone in the second half. 

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How Stress Hijacks Your Body and Packs on Pounds!
Shalin Dominique Shalin Dominique

How Stress Hijacks Your Body and Packs on Pounds!

Do you find yourself waking up with the weight of your weight on your mind? Does guilt accompany every bite of so-called "unhealthy foods"? And is the number on the scale holding the power to define your entire day? If you're nodding along, you might be unwittingly trapped in the grip of fight-or-flight mode. Your body, operating in high-stress gear (aka high cortisol), could be the silent culprit behind that persistent and stubborn weight, all happening without any extra calories to blame.

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